
Uncovering The Greatest Mental Health Fraud In American History

Radically Genuine Podcast with award winning journalist ROBERT WHITAKER

I have decided to release this episode free for all subscribers due to its importance and value.

In this explosive episode, award-winning journalist Robert Whitaker blows the lid off one of the biggest medical scandals of our time. Whitaker reveals shocking evidence of widespread fraud, corruption, scientific misconduct  and deliberate misinformation that has shaped mental health care for decades. From manipulated drug trials to buried research and conflicts of interest reaching the highest levels of the medical establishment, this conversation exposes a web of deception that has potentially harmed millions. A must listen and one of the most important Radically Genuine Podcast episodes for the millions of people experimenting on psychiatric drugs and those who are prescribing them under the pretense of "safe and effective".

Robert Whitaker is an American journalist and author who has won numerous awards as a journalist covering medicine and science, including the George Polk Award for Medical Writing and a National Association for Science Writers’ Award for best magazine article. In 1998, he co-wrote a series on psychiatric research for the Boston Globe that was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. His first book, Mad in America, was named by Discover magazine as one of the best science books of 2002. Anatomy of an Epidemic won the 2010 Investigative Reporters and Editors book award for best investigative journalism. He is the publisher of madinamerica.com.

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