100%... well written and should be read by every parent, educator, pediatrician and counselor!!! I have an 8th grader... every single one of us has gone through Middle School. It’s a difficult time marked by tremendous growth in resilience. That is... if parents are there to help navigate (not shield them from) the tumultuous waters!!! Checked out parenting is just as much of a problem as helicopter parenting. <<< Too many parents pay zero attention to their kids because they are too busy working and addicted to screens themselves.

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This should be the approach taken by parents, doctors, counselors, and the pharmaceutical industry. University Safe Spaces is not what our next generation needs.

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I like learning new words but this may be my new favourite one. I would be interested if there are any studies done regarding the interaction of hormesis and ACEs in childhood, for example how many of the most "successful" people, of course a very subjective measure, tend to be orphans, adopted or have had difficult childhoods and yet for others it goes the other way. I double blind study would be cruel but any anecdotal information you have would be very interesting.

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