They always make out that anti depressants take about 6 weeks to get in your system but they know that 6 weeks is the average time that a depressed person takes to feel better naturally https://callystarforth.substack.com/p/the-weapon-of-psychiatry

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Nice work as always, Roger. Doctors may be prone to manipulation due to a combination of their compassionate nature and their tendency for workplace burnout leaving them susceptible to influence from the pharmaceutical industry, where the driving force is no longer to help -- or at least "do no harm -- but instead ensure a lifelong customer base.

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Walker Percy, trained as a psychiatrist, wrote a perfect dystopian prediction of today's medicalized hell in 1971. In 'Love in the Ruins' the devil figure is a pharmaceutical sales rep.

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There is a basic problem doing science about psychology and that is that the fundamental unit of analysis is what people say they think. We can never know if what people say they think it's actually what they think. So this fundamental piece of data is not reproducible.

We cannot objectively know what is going on in anyone's mind. Traditional science is impossible in psychology.

We need methods for creating knowledge that rely on subjective information. I think that means that we must constantly remind people we cannot make objective generalizations about people's behavior or what goes on in their minds. We have to constantly remind people that these generalizations may not be true for anyone at all, not even those who think they know their own minds.

I think it's best not to make generalizations at all. I think it makes more sense for people to share their subjective experience and everyone draws their own conclusions without generalizing them.

This is probably going to be unsatisfying for people who expect experts to tell them what to do. I think the reality is that we're all on our own in our own lives. If we let others tell us what to do, we are choosing to be under their influence and power. That's to to people to choose for themselves, but I don't like it when anyone says they know my mind better than I do. I don't trust any scientist who claims to make valid generalizations about interior mental states.

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It is our responsibility to be vigilant in making informed decisions. Since the internet provides information in short sound bites, few are committing the time and focus to do the necessary research.

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Repetition is a powerful tool of psychological control. Religion is another avenue for mind control. Moral relativism opens the door to chaos. When the 'end justifies the means' or 'it's just business' when exploitation becomes acceptable, striving toward good character can make one feel like a dupe. It is easy to have kids, it is difficult to parent properly. Then we live in a world where pornography is welcomed. What chance do kids have; what chance does society have. We can't separate out sexual immorality from other issues. It infects everything. If we are going to clean up our act in medicine, politics, business, I think we have to start with proper parenting and reintroducing sexual morality back into the picture.

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