The fact that they are not required to prescribe exercise, cessation of substances including alcohol and cannabis, and talk therapy or other social connections BEFORE messing with the chemicals in our brains is a major red flag. Thank you for this much needed critique of an out of control scam!

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Exactly. A recently Academy of Ideas article argued that depression is not only normal, but it's our bodies and minds telling us there's something wrong in our lives that needs to be fixed.

My mother asked if I wanted antidepressants. Told her no, and instead went to go meditate.

It's ridiculous that we keep poisoning patients rather than teaching them how to cope with and/or fix their problem.

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Thank goodness you declined the psychotropics! They’re injurious from Day 1!

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Communities like the Amish exemplify healthy ways to support emotional well-being and avoid neurotoxic drugs. It behooves us to “go retro” and live more traditionally. “The Amish have less than 1% rate of depression and the culture should be studied to see the influences behind this rate (Furman & Bender, 2003). Seligman (1997) found depression among the Amish to be one fifth to one 10th that of mainstream society.

https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu › ...

Perceptions of Lifestyle as Mental Health Protective Factors Among Midwestern Amish”

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It is interesting that you would cite the Amish since faith is such an integral part of their culture. Not that people of faith cannot have mental health struggles, but I find that those who trust in God tend to have more resilience when life goes sideways.

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The ruling class are invested in pathologizing what is an appropriate emotional response to the capitalist rat race to protect their dominance. 'What's that you say? You work two jobs, claim food stamps, sleep in your car and you feel depressed? Nonsense! It must be your serotonin levels.'

Same goes for voluntary assisted suicide or rational suicide. To be pathologized for wanting to leave a traumatising existence that no one consented to, is gaslighting. Our culture reinforces the idea that toiling away in the global labor camp until we drop dead from exhaustion is virtuous and meaningful. It's time to call out the dimming flame.

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