My son was prescribed Lexapro for anxiety. It didn't work so they increased the dose. He's dead now. His 6 year old daughter has no father.

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I’m so sorry for your loss, this is awful

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I'm so sorry!

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I have been on lexapro twice and it took me until the second time to realize that my significant weight gain was from it. I struggle with so much more after succumbing to being a pharma test subject. I will vehemently work to keep all pharma from my kids!

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Lexapro made me feel suicidal.

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This is infuriating. This is why psychoeducation is very important to me, and I use it with my clients. I present all the facts. Ultimately, it is their decision to go on or not go onto medication.

The problem here is the medical model of care: GPs and pediatricians are paid for maybe 15-20 minutes with a patient. If a client says - yes, I am depressed or anxious, they write the prescription, normally with zero resistance or education provided. This then gets into the realm of - who should be prescribing psych drugs? Should there be a requirement to review all side effects with that person and have them sign off that they understand? Would that even be useful, because most Dr's go off of what the drug reps give them. Pure ethical negligence all to earn that trip/extra payout from drug companies. FOLLOW the money.

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