
Wow that was a FANTASTIC read!

You know, after 11 years as being labeled schizophrenic, I am free from medication now, thank God! And your message reassures me in the fact that I am in the right side of history. Thank you again

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This article is so brilliantly critical of the Propaganda Industrial Complex, but also goes beyond to pinpoint one of its fundamental errors: human responses to trauma need to be heard, not categorised, medicated and conformed to an oppressive, empty imitation of human nature.

While it was not your aim, your experiences dovetail neatly with my own readings on trauma-based mind control (MKUltra, ritual abuse and beyond), one of the unspoken global subcultures of our time.

Psychology was always at the spearhead of this assault on the Minds of Men (great documentary, that, by Aaron and Melissa Dykes of Truthstream Media). Men like Josef Mengele, Ewen Cameron, Sydney Gottlieb and their ilk did far more than merely invent the categories of gaslighting now employed by the Psych Industrial Complex, they pushed the boundaries beyond grotesque, tearing apart young minds and patching them together again, and thus institutionalising the methodology of multifaceted *torture* to ensure compliance, nay, devoted loyalty, of their victims to a lifetime of abject mental slavery.

So very few escape that system, and we all cheer it on, actively or passively, with our silent participation in it.

Be silent no more, beloved. Speak up. They hate that the most.

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Exactly we have to speak out!

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That was a GREAT article

Thankyou so much

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Excellent piece. Thank you. Sobering but essential reading.

Another insightful -and at times shocking read - is James Davies’ ‘Cracked: Why Psychiatry Is Doing More Harm Than Good’ (2013).

Davies’ work in discussing the DSM (the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) and the ‘bible’ of the psychiatric profession, is marrow-chilling.

Read it and weep.

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Great piece....

"In my observation, this approach transformed psychiatry into an unwitting arm of authoritarian institutions"

Didn't psychiatry go hand in hand with authoritarianism from the get go, largely to remove 'problem' people from society?

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So well written. So much truth in this. Thank you. I've experienced much of this and watched others experience it too. I did find God. And he saved me.

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Same here! I found God and He saved me

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I doff my cap and say thank you! You fill me with hope for the future.

I was not part of this arena but over medicated with other pharmaceuticals until I “hit the bottom” and released my inner rebel and realised I am in charge and no one knows my body like I do.

I’m delighted to now be a problem.

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Thank you so much for this insightful article. You brought together many threads and wove them beautifully. I particularly appreciated your reflections on the basic insecurity and hubris of your colleagues. Though I know they’re also trying to survive in a sick society and have found a strategy that helps them do so, it’s helpful to have it clarified. Knowing I’m interacting with wounded people everywhere and in every profession helps me to have compassion balanced with boundaries. Thanks again.

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You are truly 'our doctor.'

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Thank you for this Roger. It is so important that people speak out about this system of self and vested interests causing way more harm than it can ever do good. Reminds me of Psychologist David Smails books and i'm sure you would find them useful Power Interest and Psychology, Illusion and Reality, The Nature of unhappiness etc. Just reading Hannah PhD Deckers the making of DSM 3 and if a handful of dedicated people can bring the disaster of biological psychiatry into being then anything is possible. Keep up the excellent work, your voice and that of others keeps the light on for many of us working in these dark ages surrounded by people unwilling and never encouraged to step into the light of critical self and system reflection.

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Well, that was a revelation!

My diary reads “My life began in 1998: The year of Aropax!” I believed I was defective and the doctor agreed with me, telling me my panic attacks and depression were symptoms of a “chemical imbalance”. If she had bothered to ask, she may have thought my problems were related to the physical, mental and sexual abuse I suffered as a child, or maybe the fact my mother left me with my alcoholic father when I was eleven 🤔

Anyhow, the pills did their job and I got on with life, got a degree, started a company and cut my family off completely: all of them.

I’m nearly at retirement, I’ve worked hard and paid my taxes like a good little minion, but I have never had a successful relationship, no children, and only one good friend who has stuck by me. Perhaps I should have addressed my issues? 🤔

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Look at the title, good luck Dr, thanks for the laugh

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Your article was beautiful and it made me cry. I have deep respect for who you are and for your viewpoint. I'm sorry to say that my youngest daughter now 28, is a schizophrenic. She was born as a pre-mature baby at 7 months.

My dear daughter was totally normal except for the fact that she had seizures every two minutes. The seizures started when she was 3 years of age. She out grew them when she was 12 years of age. That was a blessing.

Her mental illness did not show up until she hit 18 years of age. She had a negative thought literally every two minutes of wanting to take a knife and stab me or her Mom. She never acted on these thoughts as she is not a violent person.

When my daughter is off her medication, her brain snaps. We have tried countless times to take her completely off her medication. We then realized that we want her medication as low as possible so she can have as normal of a life as possible. My dream for my daughter over the past 10 years is to get her 100% off the medications, but (behold underlying truth), in her situation, she has to be on something.

PS Keep up the great writing, I believe in what you are doing and I know deep in my heart that you are helping others. Oh, one more thing and this is the most painful part of all. We think our daughter is a victim of a vaccine injury. After 1990, the medical establishment added dozens of new vaccines to the schedule. It used to be that a premature baby was never given any vaccines! I know my daughter was given a vaccine because one day she was fine and the next day she was crying at my wife's breast over 10 hours a day.

This hit us even harder because my Mrs. is a school bus driver and has driven special needs children for years. Imagine, an entire bus of Autistic children, every one of them. Wishing you the best of luck with your Substack. Take good care.

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Absolutely spot on. The obsession with medical reductionism of the human being is not dulling people; it's creating edges that weren't there before, a civilisation of people who are becoming oddly shaped pegs in a world without holes. The smaller the spaces between us get, the less we are all fitting in, and the managerial model of governance (corporate, scientific, medical and political) is paving over the collective soul of humanity, letting it turn into a weed infested parking lot.

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This practice also keeps that school-to-prison pipeline pumping abused people into the system to work for pennies on the dollar in their refined modern day slavery system. In the 1980's prescribing Ritalin (which is speed) for hyperactivity(!) to kids as young as 5 later led to aggressive behaviors in teen years. I wonder how many of those kids ended up in prison besides my loved one...It is most definitely deliberate, calculated, and unconscionable business-as-usual for the self-appointed elite. But good news is that we are many and they are few. Thank you for this work you're doing!

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Nah, I’ll just pour another vodka

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This comment made me sad. You asked above, “perhaps I should have addressed my issues.” Yes, ditch the vodka and do that instead. It’s not too late 🙏🏼❤️

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