Great article. I found myself agreeing out loud with your observations which mirror my own experiences working as a Psychotherapist.

And remember “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you…”

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As a nutritionist, I am seeing more younger clients, in their 20s, struggling with menstrual issues, mood/mental health imbalances, fatigue and so forth. The challenge is that they are also on strict budgets and cannot afford organic and grass fed. Swapping the cost for all the junk food for healthier options helps but food costs have dramatically increased and it's getting harder for people struggling financially to eat healthy. I do believe that on the grand scale, this is intentional.

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Such excellent information and important work, thank you. One beef (lol): cows and lambs are great, but I'm sad you didn't mention goats! We've kept a small dairy herd of backyard goats and a flock of laying hens for seven years and never been happier or healthier. It's an ancient, symbiotic combination found all over the world. (Gandhi traveled with a dairy goat!) Of course it's not for everyone, but with a half acre or more of land, goats and chickens are easy keepers. The chores they do require provide exercise and a healthy routine, plus amusement. Watching goats browse a weedy field, hens behind them pecking happily, there's a timeless sense of pastoral peace that's a balm to the soul, green pastures and still waters. Knowing that much of our food comes from our own healthy animals is well worth the effort. Thanks again for this inspiration!

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A simple magnesium supplement works wonders (miracles) for muscle tensions like restless leg, restful sleep , and mood regulation. Coconut has MCT for brain health and metabolism fuel, only substance besides mother's milk, I read somewhere.

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Great article. Thank you. You're not wrong: big Pharma, the food industry, insurance companies and vertical integration have all conspired in the name of profit and growth. The victims are doctors who took the Hippocratic oath in good faith and us!

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Hear hear well spoken thank you

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Was this article ghost written by a 15 year old Tik Tok influencer? There’s few things in health more researched and proven than the link between saturated fat intake and heart disease. Every study replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat shows improvements across all markers of health. Comparing a reduction in all fat intake with a massive overconsumption of calories from sugar and a sedentary lifestyle doesn’t prove saturated fat is healthy…it shows excessive calories and a sedentary lifestyle are unhealthy. You only need about 0.25 grams of fat per pound of body weight to cover hormone production. Hardly an epidemic of people missing that minimum intake. Grass-fed anything is a great marketing scam. It’s easy to highlight the better nutrient profile of grass-fed meats, but nobody ever mentions the actual numbers. Too small to have any impact on your health or justify the outrageous price. Same for organic. There’s literally no research in humans showing a detrimental effect of seed oils, only thousands of articles discussing the yucky manufacturing process. Criticize the manufacturing process of seed oil, mention test tube studies using it, and ignore data showing tens of thousands of human subjects benefiting from its use. I hope your next nutrition post doesn’t say there’s no benefit to eating fiber.

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At first glance I thought this comment was a joke until I looked up your profile. A psych nurse who trusts government guidelines and doles out pharmaceuticals for a living. I am unsure if this is willful ignorance, plain laziness or just trolling. I am imagine a combination of all 3. Thank God people are waking up- not many people buying those lies anymore. Health is freedom.

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There is no benefit from fiber

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